Friday 25 February 2011


Book Title

Author: Ian Fleming

Publisher: PENGUIN BOOKS, First Published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape in 1961.

Genre: Action-Adventure Fiction

Main Character: James Bond (Agent 007)

Quote from the book: "The girl looked him up and down. He had dark, rather cruel good looks and very clear blue-grey eyes. He was wearing a very dark blue lightweight single-breasted suit over a cream silk shirt and a black knitted silk tie. Despite the heat, he looked cool and clean. 'And who might you be?' she asked sharply. 'My name's Bond, James Bond...'

Description: When a stranger arrives in the Bahamas, the locals barely turn their heads, seeing another ex-pat with money to burn at the casino tables. But James Bond has more than money on his mind: he's got less than a week to find two stolen atom bombs hidden among the coral reefs. While acting the playboy, Bond meets Domino, sultry plaything of secretive treasure-hunter Emilio Largo. In getting close to this Italian girl, Bond hopes to learn more about Largo's hidden operation ...

Opinion: 'Good living, sex and violent action ...a highly polished performance, an ingenious plot and plenty of excitement' - THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT

Verdict: Action-packed like any other novel in the 007 series. This time James Bond travels to the Bahamas in search of two nuclear bombs that were expertly stolen by an international criminal organisation that calls themselves SPECTRE.
               A thrilling read with a beautiful climax. The novel is well paced with an excellent plot that keeps you interested till the end.

RATING: 4.5/5

UPDATE: The book was given a 5-star rating at the beginning, but later the criteria for rating was changed.
 Hence, according to the new rating system employed by 'Book Guru' the novel THUNDERBALL will get a rating of 4.5. Thanks!

ThunderballOther info: Thunderball was also made into a movie in the 007 series starring legendary actor 'Sean Connery' as  'James Bond'.
It was directed by Terence Young and was released in 1965.

Also Starring: Claudine Auger, Adolfo Celi.



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